Dr Charis Voutsina and Dr Athina Thoma from MaSE attended and presented their work at the 13th Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME 13).

Charis presented her work with Dr Debbie Scott focusing on “Analysing childrenā€™s awareness of the cultural rules of numerals in the world around them” from their Leverhulme funded project “Cultural rules and uses of written numerals in childrenā€™s everyday environments”.

Athina was one of the co-leaders of the Thematic Working Group 14: University Mathematics Education and presented her work with Dr Paola Iannone on “Natural Number Game: Studentsā€™ activity using an Interactive Theorem Prover”.


| Dr Charis Voutsina and Dr Athina Thoma presented their work at the CERME 13





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