Date/time: Tuesday 18 October 2016, 1600-1700
Venue: Highfield campus, building 32/2097
Chair: David Galbraith

Speaker: Dr Markus Hefter, Bielefeld University, Germanymh
Title: How can training interventions support science education?

Abstract: Argumentation strategies, such as evaluating arguments or supporting theories with evidence, play a crucial role in science education. They are beneficial for developing deep understanding and well-grounded conclusions; for instance, while processing conflicting scientific positions regarding topics such as sustainable development. This presentation discusses the results of three experimental studies that show the potential of short-term training interventions to foster both the learnersā€™ skill (ā€œcompetenceā€) and will (ā€œengagementā€) to apply argumentation strategies. Analyses of the learning processes during the training interventions allow further implications, highlighting the crucial role of self-explanations.

For his recent paper on this topic, see: doi:10.1016/j.learninstruc.2015.05.002


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