MaSE made a major contribution to the Southampton Bioblitz Day on 14 June. It was really […]
Able year 9 pupils from 4 local schools visited the university for a mathematics day run […]
Southampton Education School’s Professor Lianghuo Fan has been awarded Distinguished Overseas Professor, a distinguished visiting professorship […]
In the recent NCETM Summer ITT Conferences, each delegate to series of one-day conferences for mathematics […]
After last year’s successful Maths Outside day, this year we wanted to pay attention to this […]
Inquiry Based Science Education Training for Primary Teachers A series of training sessions is run by […]
Members of MaSE were pleased to be able to support secondary schools in the Southampton Local […]
The mathematics special interest group is hosting a conference for the British Society for Research into […]
Gisela Cebrián Bernat, who has just completed her PhD under the supervision of Dr Marcus Grace […]
Keith Jones is co-authoring a series of articles for the NCETM Secondary Magazine. The latest article, […]
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