Dr Athina Thoma attended and presented her work at the 5th Conference of the International Network for Didactic Research in University Mathematics (INDRUM). This is a European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (ERME) topic conference. The conference is organised in working groups and Athina together with Olov Viirman (Uppsala University) were the leaders of one of the five thematic working groups focused on: Teachers’ and Students’ practices and experiences. This was the largest thematic working group, with discussions focusing on the 18 papers and 12 posters of this group as well as discussions covering overarching themes.  Athina also presented her work with Paola Iannone (University of Edinburgh) on interactive theorem provers titled: “The cost of mistake is nothing” – Exploring the development of a student’s activity when using an interactive theorem prover”.


TWG5 Picture of group members
Some of the members of the Thematic Working Group 5: Teachers’ and Students’ practices and experiences



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