Most recent publications
- Engaging students with nature and outdoor science using an outdoor escape room approach
- Writing to learn
- Creative partnerships in the classroom: a case study of Climate Change All Change schools’ programme
- Why does subject-specific professional development matter?
- Co-designing instruction for innovative education: The power of Educator–Academic partnerships towards societal change.
Selected publications from MaSE members are shown below:
Ben Davies
Jones, I. and Davies, B. (2023). Comparative judgement in education research. International Journal of Research & Method in Education, 1-12,
Tanswell, F., Davies, B., Jones, I. and Kinnear, G. (2023). Comparative Judgement for Experimental Philosophy: Assessing Ordinary Meaning in Vehicles in the Park Cases. Philosophical Psychology.
Davies, B. and Jones. I. (2021). Assessing proof reading comprehension using summaries. International Journal of Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education.
Christian Bokhove
Bokhove, C. (2022). Are instructional practices different between East and West? An analysis of grade 8 TIMSS 2019 data. Asian Journal for Mathematics Education, 1(2), 221-241.
Bokhove, C., & Downey, C. (2018). Mapping changes in support: A longitudinal analysis of networks of preservice mathematics and science teachers. Oxford Review of Education, 44(3), 383-402.
Bokhove, C., & Drijvers, P. (2012). Effects of a digital intervention on the development of algebraic expertise. Computers & Education, 58(1), 197-208.
Neta Shaby
Shaby, N. & Vedder-Weiss, D. (2021). Embodied Interactions in a Science Museum. Science Education, 105, 938–960.
Shaby, N., Staus, N., Dierking, L., & Falk, J. (2021). Pathways of Interest and Participation: How STEM-Interested Youth Navigate a Learning Ecosystem. Science Education, 105:4, 628-652.
Shaby, N. & Vedder-Weiss, D. (2020). Science Identity Trajectories throughout School Visits to a Science Museum. Journal of Research in Science Teaching. 57:733–764.
Andri Christodoulou
Christodoulou, A., Levinson, R., Davies, P., Grace, M., Nicholl, J., & Rietdijk, W. (2021). The use of Cartography of Controversy within socioscientific issues-based education: students’ mapping of the badger-cattle controversy in England. International Journal of Science Education, 43(15), 2479-2500.
R.Ariza, M., Christodoulou, A., van Harskamp, M., Knippels, M-C., A. Kyza, E., Levinson, R., & Agesilaou, A. (2021). Socio-scientific inquiry-based learning as a means toward environmental citizenship. Sustainability, 13(20), [11509].
Rapanta, C., & Christodoulou, A. (2019). Walton’s types of argumentation dialogues as classroom discourse sequences. Learning, Culture and Social Interaction, 0, [100352].
Charis Voutsina
Voutsina, C. & Stott, D. (2023). Preschool children’s conceptions of the meanings and use of written numerals in everyday life: a phenomenographic study of the nature and structure of qualitative variation. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 114, 249-275.
Voutsina, C., Alderton, J., Wilson, K., Ineson, G. Donaldson, G. & Rowland, T. (2021). Preservice teachers’ expressed awarenesses: emerging threads of retro-spection of learning and pro-spection of teaching. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education, 25, 191–215.
Voutsina, C., George, L., & Jones, K. (2019). Microgenetic analysis of young children’s shifts of attention in arithmetic tasks: underlying dynamics of change in phases of seemingly stable task performance. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 102(1), 47-74.
Rosalyn Hyde
Hyde, Rosalyn and deWinter, James (2022) Caring for preservice teachers’ professional and personal growth during and after COVID. In, Shoffner, Melanie and Webb, Angela W. (eds.) Reconstructing Care in Teacher Education after COVID-19: Caring Enough to Change. Routledge.
Hyde, Rosalyn (2021) Rethinking employment-led teacher preparation as apprenticeship. In, Madalinska-Michalak, Joanna, Assuncao-Flores, Maria, Ling Low, Ee and Van Nuland, Shirley (eds.) Recruiting and Educating the Best Teachers: Policy, Professionalism and Pedagogy. (Key Issues in Teacher Education: Policy, research and practice, 1) Leiden. Brill, pp. 154-169.
Hyde, Rosalyn, Manchester, University and Chester, University (2021) Understandings and perceptions of mastery approaches to mathematics: the case of beginning secondary teachers. In Proceedings of the British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics. vol. 41, 6.
Ran Peleg
Peleg, R., Yayon M., Katchevich, D., Moria-Shipony, M., & Blonder, R. (2019). A lab-based chemical escape room: Educational, mobile, and fun! Journal of Chemical Education, 96(5), 955-960.
Levy, S.T., Peleg, R., Ofeck, E., Tabor, N., Dubovi, I., Bluestein, S. & Ben-Zur, H. (2018). Designing for discovery learning of complexity principles of congestion by driving together in the traffic jams simulation. Instructional Science, 46(1), 105–132.
Peleg, R., & Baram-Tsabari, A. (2017). Learning Robotics in a Science Museum Theatre Play: Investigation of Learning Outcomes, Contexts and Experiences. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 26(6), 561-581.
Athina Thoma
Thoma, A., & Iannone, P. (2022). Learning about proof with the theorem prover lean: the abundant numbers task. International Journal of Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education, 8(1), 64-93.
Papadopoulos, I., & Thoma, A. (2022). Mental Brackets and Their Use by High School Students in Arithmetic and Algebra. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 1-22.
Thoma, A., & Nardi, E. (2018). Transition from school to university mathematics: Manifestations of unresolved commognitive conflict in first year students’ examination scripts. International Journal of Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education, 4(1), 161-180.
Marcus Grace
Grace, M., Griffiths, J. and Hughes, C. (2021). Nature literacy: rethinking how we teach about nature in secondary school science. School Science Review, 102(381), 15-20
Christodoulou, A., Levinson, R., Davies, P., Grace, M., Nicholl, J., & Rietdijk, W. (2021). The use of Cartography of Controversy within socioscientific issues-based education: students’ mapping of the badger-cattle controversy in England. International Journal of Science Education, 43(15), 2479-2500.
Grace, M. (2020) Connecting people with nature. Do we want to connect emotionally or cognitively? The Niche, 51 (1), 52-53. British Ecological Society.
John Woollard
Salleh, R and Woollard, J. (2021) Embracing Inclusive Education (Teachers’ Views About Their Professional 143 Development) Jurnal Penyelidikan Antarabangsa, 1 1, 143-153
Alenezi, EG, Woollard, J, Alenezi, YH and Alenezi, DF (2020) Pedagogical Approaches of Intermediate Schoolteachers for Teaching Students by Building Online Classroom Communities during the COVID-19 Pandemic Journal of Education and Practice 11 30
Woollard, J (2020) Textbooks for the teaching of computing (Project Report) Computing at School
Wonyong Park
Park, W., Erduran, S., Song, J., & Kim, M. (2023). ‘It’s a lesson with no correct answer’: Design issues in preservice teachers’ collaborative lesson planning using history of science. International Journal of Science Education. doi:10.1080/09500693.2022.2154132
Park, W., Erduran, S., & Guilfoyle, L. (2022). Secondary teachers’ instructional practices on argumentation in the context of science and religious education. International Journal of Science Education, 44(8), 1251-1276.
Park, W. (2020). Beyond the “two cultures” in the teaching of disaster: or how disaster education and science education could benefit each other. Educational Philosophy and Theory, 52(13), 1434–1448.
Emma Rawlings Smith
Rawlings Smith, E., & Pike, S. (eds) (2024) Encountering ideas of Place in Education: Scholarship and Practice in Place-based Education. London: Routledge.
Rushton, E.A.C., Rawlings Smith, E., Steadman, S., & Towers, E. (2023) Understanding teacher identity in teachers’ professional practice: a systematic review of the literature, Review of Education: An International Journal of Major Studies in Education, 11(2), e3417
Rawlings Smith, E., & Rushton, E.A.C. (2022) Geography teacher educators’ identity, roles and professional learning in a volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous world, International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education, 32(3), 252–267.