Mentoring mathematics teachers – Supporting and Inspiring Pre-Service and Newly Qualified Teachers. Just published by Routledge […]
Members of MaSE led presentations and discussions at the recent European Science Education Research Association (ESERA) […]
We are pleased to announce that Ruth Edwards has been awarded recognition as a Senior Fellow […]
ZDM-International Journal on Mathematics Education just published its latest issue last week on a special theme: […]
At this afternoon’s AGM of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (IGPME: see […]
The International Conference on Mathematics Textbook Research and Development 2014 (ICMT2014) will be held at the […]
A week ago I attended a seminar at the School of Education with visitors from Japan. […]
On June 7th, 2013 Ruth Edwards and Christian Bokhove ran a “Mathematics outside the classroom” day […]
In the first week of June prof. van Joolingen will visit the University of Southampton for […]
This Monday at 12:30 M@SE organizes a seminar about “Who owns a theory? The case of […]
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