After succesfully having been awarded the prestigious University of Southampton’s Diamond Jubilee International Visiting Fellowship Dr Ida Mok of University of Hong Kong is visiting Highfield Campus for two weeks. Dr Mok will be giving the following seminar:

ICT in Mathematics Education: Rich Tasks

In mathematics education, as with many subjects, digital technologies (including calculators, general and educational software, and the internet) have affected not only what to teach but also how to teach.

How may teachers’ practices in mathematics classrooms be changed to make use the advantage of technology? The presentation presents the idea of “rich tasks” that may encompass a variety of styles and contexts accessible to everyone at the start and allowing further challenges.

Speaker information

Dr Ida Ah Chee MOK, University of Hong Kong. Mathematics Education


Southampton Education School
Building 32, Level 2, Room 2097

Contact for more information

Name: Professor Lianghuo Fan




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