During 1-5th July 2024, Dr Andri Christodoulou attended ERIDOB 2024, presenting her current work on the COSMOS project.  Andri along with other partners from the COSMOS project, had the opportunity to present and share some of the on-going work and initial findings from the COSMOS project as part of a symposium at the 14th conference of European Researchers in Didactics of Biology (ERIDOB) that took place in Lyon, France. Five presentations were delivered as follows:

  • Towards a multidimensional model of school openness through science education, by Dr Ariel Sarid
  • Socio-scientific inquiry-based learning and community engagement for open schooling, by Dr Andri Christodoulou and Dr Marie-Christine P.J. Knippels
  • Adapting Teacher Professional Development in COSMOS to diverse educational settings – insights from first implementation, by Dr Daphne Goldman
  • Working with genetically modified organisms as SSI within the COSMOS project – a case study from Sweden, by Dr Susanne Walan, Harald Raaijmakers, Prof Niklas Gericke
  • “I feel that what I do matters”: the impact of SSIBL-CoP implementations on student outcomes, by Dr Jelle Boeve-de Pauw and Mart Doms

The symposium was well attended, and we had the opportunity to discuss questions and issues arising from our work with primary and secondary schools and how to best support teachers in this open schooling process. If you would like to know more about our work, please contact Andri (a.christodoulou@soton.ac.uk).

6 presenters standing in front of the audience             Andri standing introducing her presentation            



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