Dr Ben Davies has secured funding for developing an interactive version of the School Mathematics Textbook materials. Interactive SMP  focuses on developing online interactive workbooks for secondary school mathematics. These workbooks will be adaptations of the existing SMP archive and are a collaboration between the Southampton Education School, Department of Mathematics, and 10+ secondary school teachers from the local area.

Interactive SMP is led by MSHE member Dr Ben Davies and is running from January to July 2023, supported by the Higher Education Innovation Funding via the Faculty of Social Sciences Funds for Knowledge Exchange and Enterprise, University of Southampton (total funding awarded: £25,000).

We are currently recruiting mathematics teachers to take part in this project so if you are a secondary school mathematics teacher interested in novel approaches to continuous assessment/homework please get in touch with Ben at ben.davies@soton.ac.uk. An online information seminar is running on Tuesday 17th January @4pm, you can sign up to the seminar here.



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