Another paper with Dr Bokhove and Dr Downey has appeared in the International Journal of Educational Research: “The development of communication networks of pre-service teachers on a school-led and university-led programme of initial teacher education in England”
The abstract:
This study examines the communication networks of 77 pre-service teachers in mathematics and science on university and school-led programmes in England. Communication as an indicator for establishing contact is considered as the starting point of building social capital among peers. Communication, advice-seeking and friendship network data were collected over four time-points during each programme. The descriptive results suggest limited boundary-spanning between the university and school-led programme types. Longitudinal modelling in RSIENA showed that friendship is a significant early-stage predictor of development of communication networks. By the end of the programme advice-seeking becomes a significant predictor of network development. Neither interpersonal trust, nor perceived self-efficacy were found to be consistent predictors of change in pre-service teacher communication networks.
Brouwer, Jasperina, Downey, Christopher and Bokhove, Christian (2020) The development of communication networks of pre-service teachers on a school-led and university-led programme of initial teacher education in England. International Journal of Educational Research, 100, 1-13, [101542]. (doi:10.1016/j.ijer.2020.101542).
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