fan1Following the Inaugural International Conference on Mathematics Textbook Research and Development (ICMT-1) organized by MSHE/SES in 2014, the second conference (ICMT-2) was successfully held in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil from 7-11 May 2017. Professor Lianghuo Fan, Head of MSHE, who was also the IPC Chair of ICMT-1, attended the conference hosted by the Federal University of Rio De Janeiro. He delivered two presentations, one entitled ā€œcomparing mathematics curriculum and textbooks between China and the UK: findings from the Shanghai Maths Projectā€ (co-authored with Ming Ni, Huiping Xu and Jing Xu of East China Normal University) and the other ā€œAn analytical framework for studying the impact of technology on the use of mathematics resources in teaching and learningā€ (co-authored with Ida Mok of the University of Hong Kong). Prof. Fan also served as Co-Chair of the IPC for ICMT-2 and chaired two sessions during the conference. About the conference, he said, ā€œI am very happy to see the conference was well organised and attracted more than 170 researchers from over 30 countries in different parts of the worldā€. The third conference, ICMT-3, will be held in 2019 in Paderborn, Germany.

Prof. Fanā€™s latest publications include “Does a transformation approach improve studentsā€™ ability in constructing auxiliary lines for solving geometric problems? An intervention-based study with two Chinese classrooms“.



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