The International Commission on Mathematical Instruction (ICMI) has announced that the Felix Klein Medal for 2015 has been awarded to Alan J. Bishop, Emeritus Professor of Education, Monash University, Australia. Alan graduated with a B.Sc. in mathematics and science from the University of Southampton in 1961.

The Felix Klein Award is for lifelong achievement in mathematics education research. It is awarded biennially (in odd-numbered years). The award citation begins by saying that the award is in recognition of Alan’s “more than forty-five years of sustained, consistent, and outstanding lifetime achievements in mathematics education research and scholarly development” and concludes “Through his tireless and scholarly work in the area of publication, Alan Bishop has enabled research in mathematics education to become an established field”.

The medal is to be awarded during the opening ceremony of ICME-13, in Hamburg, on July 25, 2015.

The full citation can be found at:



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