Prof. Lianghuo Fan has recently published the 2nd edition of his book entitled “A study on the development of teachers’ pedagogical knowledge” (East China Normal University, Shanghai China). The book is developed from his doctoral thesis completed at the University of Chicago in 1998, with some new work and contents added. Since the publication of the 1st edition, the book has been a most widely read and cited book in the field of teacher education and professional development in China, listed as a main reference text in Chinese universities, and explicitly acknowledged by government decision-makers as a most important research influencing China’s national policy about teacher professional development in the 2000s. According to the China’s National Knowledge Infrastructure website (, as of 21 Nov. 2013, the book had been cited more than 800 times in China in journal articles, theses and conference papers etc. (excluding citation in books), including exactly 100 doctoral dissertations. “I am happy to see the book has been considered a positive contribution to the related field, and welcome further feedback and exchange from the readers of the 2nd edition”, said Prof. Fan.
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