Members of MaSE led presentations and discussions at the recent European Science Education Research Association (ESERA) conference in Nicosia. All were well received. Andri Christodoulou gave a talk about the LifeLab ‘Meet the Scientist’ project which engages teenagers with scientists; Caro Garrett and Willeke Rietdijk summarised the of findings of the national Action Research in Physics project which we were funded to evaluate; Marcus Grace led a discussion about the future of Biological Education Research which has led to the decision to run this as the main theme in next year’s European Research in Didactics of Biology (ERIDOB) conference. Jenny Byrne and Willeke Rietdijk also participated in the PriSciNet conference ( a conference within the ESERA conference) and led discussions about enquiry based science education in primary schools across Europe. They gave one of the talks in a symposium that presented the initial findings of the project with a focus on the UK perspective.
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